
Activate The Energy Of The Universe For You

Did you know that you can not create energy yourself? You can just activate the universal energy, which exists always and will always exist. This Energy gave you life. It’s always there, at every moment, for everyone. There is no such thing like people with a lot of energy and other ones without energy. The […]


Tips To Become Happier & More Empowered

In a search for happiness, many people look for it in other people and not within ourselves. Many people feel things like money, a better job, better relationships etc. will make them happy. In reality, to find true contentment, you must look inside yourself and learn to be your own best friend. That means you […]


POWER: We want it. We have it. We DON’T use it.

Q&A about Power and Control. Everyone wants it. Everyone has it. Why so few people use it.