
A Motivation Theory To Try Right Now

There is a motivation theory that came from neurolinguistic programming which you can try right now. You might be surprised at the results.


Did Your Personality Choose Your Career?

We almost all think we are masters of our own fate. While it is true that we all make our own choices there are many things that influence what we choose. Ask yourself: Why do some people choose professions that help only themselves while others of us choose professions that help those in need? Health […]


‘A Is For Action’ – What Time Management Is Really About

When you get right down to it, time management is really about managing your actions. We all want to use the process of time management to allows us to perform more actions in the day, getting everything done that needs to be done and giving us time to do the things we enjoy doing. But […]


8 Steps Towards Becoming The Leader You Need To Be To Succeed

An important part of success in life is the ability to lead. It is important that we not only be able to lead others but be willing to lead ourselves. No one succeeds in life by simply following others. Sometimes we simply must strike a bold new path for ourselves. Being a good leader is […]


‘Greed Is Good’ – Remuneration, Motivation And Organisation

The 1980’s business culture in the USA and internationally put a considerable emphasis on personal reward on the basis that highly motivated individuals could transform organisations and societies. The extreme example in film was Gordon Gekko in Wall Street stating that greed was good. The 90’s, however, have seen companies traumatised and bankrupted by the inappropriate use of remuneration as a motivator. Yet major corporate successes have been built on reward based remunera…


The Secret of Happiness

What does happiness mean to you? There’s a lot of searching going on these days for the elusive emotion of “being happy” –where do you find it, how do you create it, even what it actually is. But I’d like to share a little secret with you — happiness is not just for a lucky few who were born with it.


Fire Up Your Motivation

Motivation seems to come and go, here today and gone tomorrow depending on what is going on in our life each day. The need to stay motivated is paramount to success, so let’s get your motivation Fired UP!


Tomorrow’s Happiness Begins Today

Some people spend their entire lives looking for happiness and it never comes. If you want to be happy tomorrow you need to begin working on it today.


How to rid your life of negative people in your life

Something that is very hard to do is allow the negative people in your life to go. A lot of people will stay in a bad relationship that then leads to a bad marriage. It’s not the best way to live a life and it’s a way to find happiness at all. You may want […]


How to rid your life of negative thoughts

There are a lot of people who tend to be more negative than positive. This may have to do with some of the low self-esteem issues that they have, but it can also have many underlying issues too. A lot of people who are negative, feel that they got the short end of the stick […]