
Accepting to Improve your Personal Life

Do you have the ability to accept the things you can change and the things you cannot change? Do you have the ability to accept that other people are opt to change them, rather than you changing them? Do you accept that you are who you are, regardless of what others think? Can you accept […]


8 Steps Towards Becoming The Leader You Need To Be To Succeed

An important part of success in life is the ability to lead. It is important that we not only be able to lead others but be willing to lead ourselves. No one succeeds in life by simply following others. Sometimes we simply must strike a bold new path for ourselves. Being a good leader is […]


What Angels Do

Ever wonder what Angels do, and why they do it? Learn to call on them for help.


Needs in Self Mastery

According to Maslow, the “hierarchy of needs” may have a structure that we can follow. And this structure makes up one’s subordinate, origin of survival, and the needs to fulfill one’s self-mastery skills and higher planes of consciousness in order to direct his or her behaviors. Self-actualization is one of the greatest levels of self-mastery. […]


The Seven Day Life-Changing Happiness Challenge!

You are about to discover a simple technique for creating massive changes in your quality of life. Do you want to be happier? This technique can help. Do you want more time to spend with your family or friends, or even just time to relax by yourself? Then this seven day challenge is perfect for […]


The Secret of Happiness

What does happiness mean to you? There’s a lot of searching going on these days for the elusive emotion of “being happy” –where do you find it, how do you create it, even what it actually is. But I’d like to share a little secret with you — happiness is not just for a lucky few who were born with it.


Guilt, Resentment, and Our Struggles

There is a profound connection between the feelings of guilt and resentment and the problems you struggle with: sex, money, weight, ambition, relationships, and parenting. A deeper understanding of these feelings will help you solve these problems.


Why You Need a Success Mindset

You hear it all the time: “success is a state of mind.” There are people who would argue that success is a natural result of proper planning, preparation and focused action, and that viewpoint certainly holds a grain of truth – but there are also many exceptions to disprove that “rule.” Have you ever wondered […]


Thoughts in Self Mastery

Thoughts are something that we often reflect on others. Often times we can use thoughts to build self-mastery skills. The most important point of building self-mastery skills is to take control of your own life. Self-mastery is a skill that allows you to control your mind and body. You have to determine how far you […]


How to rid your life of negative people in your life

Something that is very hard to do is allow the negative people in your life to go. A lot of people will stay in a bad relationship that then leads to a bad marriage. It’s not the best way to live a life and it’s a way to find happiness at all. You may want […]