
Count Your Chickens Before They’ve Hatched

At some stage in your life, you’ve probably been told not to count your chickens before they have hatched. You were probably told to not get your hopes up and to not expect too much – just in case you might be disappointed. For most of us this, or some variation of it, was told […]


Happiness: The Ultimate Birthright

Happy people are those who deliberately do things that invariably lead them to happiness. Focus your energies on unlocking your true potential and claim your ultimate birthright — happiness.


8 Steps Towards Becoming The Leader You Need To Be To Succeed

An important part of success in life is the ability to lead. It is important that we not only be able to lead others but be willing to lead ourselves. No one succeeds in life by simply following others. Sometimes we simply must strike a bold new path for ourselves. Being a good leader is […]


Figure Out the Pebble in Your Shoe

“By asking for the impossible, we obtain the best possible.” ~ Italian saying If you are serious about achieving a more meaningful life then you’ll need a new perspective for viewing your life.


Creating the Best Year of Your Life

At the end of each year, and on their birthdays, many people take time to reflect and look ahead.


Planning to Improve your Personal Life

The truth is what sets you free; yet, when you plan you find the freedom to survive happier. Planning gives us power. The plans we make liberate us and lift our values and quality of living. When a person plans it, greaten their outlooks on life. As you plan you, start to use your creative […]


If You’ll … Then I’ll …

There are frequently hidden and unspoken contracts behind actions that you may not be consciously aware of, but affect your life. If you are in a relationship you may say “If you bring me flowers, I’ll feel loved” or something similar. Discover more about these hidden contracts and how you can break them.


5 Quick And EASY Techniques To Help You Realize And Fulfill Your TRUE Goals In Life

This article explains 5 POWERFUL techniques to achieving and fulfilling ANY goal you wish in life.


Are You Missing The Key To Success?

Are you missing the key? Do you have all the success you have ever wanted? Or, are you tired of the struggle? Is it difficult to set and reach your goals? Are you frustrated and disappointed with life has given you? Let me show you the missing key to success and achievement!