
Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks can happen anytime, anywhere when you least expect it.


Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are familiar conditions to us, but are also among the most serious illnesses in the world.


Brief Overview of Anxiety Disorders

These debilitating episodes are more likely to occur during times of high stress. It’s also common for symptoms of clinical depression to be present in people with anxiety disorders. Treatment includes behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes and medications. Sometimes a combination of all three is needed. Occasionally, a change inlifestyle is all that is needed. Mainstream […]


Anxiety Panic Attacks

This world is no doubt a stressful place to live in. So many people spend their precious time working at jobs with long hours, raising children, paying for a house, trying to save for the future and dealing with a constant flow of bills. Yeah, when it’s put that way, life sounds a bit more […]


Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are often treated using specific methods and techniques designed to target symptoms and develop coping mechanisms for the anxiety triggers. Knowing which method to use in the treatment largely depends on the kind of disorder a person has. This article provides insights on the most common forms of anxiety disorders.


Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety or panic attacks are sudden periods of intense anxiety, fear and discomfort. While these attacks might seem to happen for no reason, they’re actually the body’s response to what it perceives as the needfor “fight or flight”. The attacks usually last about ten minutes, but can be as short as one minute. In severe […]


12 Dirty Habits That Prevent You From Developing Exceptional People Skills

Chances are, if you’re not very successful at dealing with people, you haven’t had the chance to properly educate yourself. Learning to deal with people is like learning to walk except it requires a lot more work! Now imagine if your whole life you had been taught to walk backwards. Would this make your life […]


Is Your Personality Causing You Stress?

It may sound hard to believe, but experts say that your personality can actually cause you stress.  To a certain extent, your personality might have been determined at birth.  However, there are certain characteristics that you might have developed over the years that are now contributing to your stress level.  While one cannot change his […]


The Social Killer

Scared to go out to a meeting to speak to a client? Need to deliver a speech but feel like fainting at the thought of going in front of the class to present? Scared to attend a social gathering for no apparent reason? You might be suffering from social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder, also […]