
Are Some People More Prone To Panic Disorder Than Others

Physical differences have been observed among people who are prone to panic attacks or develop panic disorders. The following are descriptions of these physical differences…


Advantages of Being Confident

Almost all successes and attainments in life come from your ability to feel certain that you can accomplish what you set out to achieve. Confidence is the gateway to success; to the life that you wish to lead and to the dreams that you desire to live.


What Causes Depression?

Usually in our adolescence, we are exposed to many sudden and inexplicable mood swings as a result of our body undergoing various hormonal changes that prepare us for adulthood.


What is Agoraphobia?

Most people have heard of most phobias. Mention claustrophobia, social phobia, or arachnophobia, and everyone pretty much knows what you are talking about. Mention agoraphobia and most people will just shake their heads. Because of this, many people who get agoraphobia often take a year, and in some cases, many years, just finding out what […]


Anatomy of an Anxiety Attack

This article is about anxiety attacks and how it can affect the lives of people. This article also cites the use of various drugs to help in the treatment and management of anxiety.


How to Avoid Panic Attacks

Anyone who has ever had a panic attack knows how life stopping these events can feel. A panic attack can seriously hurt your quality of life by causing you become terrified of a repeat episode. This terror is just another negative side effect of panic attacks, and you should learn to think of it as such so that you can get on with your life without the constant fear of a panic attack hanging over your head.



Anxiety is a physiological state causing feelings of fear, apprehension and worry. These feelings are as common as happiness and joy. Studies are suggesting anxiety is a protective mechanism. It could be our body’s way of warning us against participation in potentially harmful situations. Basically what happens is our minds perceive danger. This may be […]


Anxiety – Naturally Ofcourse

Naturally the best way is the natural way to help ease stress.